Thursday, August 30, 2012

Spare Time?

I laugh every time I look at the log in for my account... Aubrissparetime.... when do or did I ever think I would have that? I guess it was an internal joke with myself that only my fingers got as I typed it out... The best joke was- of course it was "available"... no one else has my name... and NO ONE else has "spare time"...
In the last month I read not one but two books... I'm going to start on my third, and they are NOT school books! And... it really hasn't been spare time. But I have found something in reading those books, it hasn't been so much about reading them as much as it has been about the time.
I am amazed by all the things we cram into a day- we are masters of the universe and at a click of the mouse can "tour" the world and back again. But time... we are always wanting more. It's never enough.

Today I received a "thank you card"
It read...
What a great thing to do!
What a generous touch!
You made my whole day,
and I thank you so much!

Hand written- Special thanks for going above and beyond. You keep things going for me. Regards,

To say I needed that would be an understatement. The funny thing is- I simply was doing what I do... but in my "spare time" I guess I do try to push the envelop just a little farther and try just a little more to be a little better.  That's my Life... life in blogging... life in my spare time!

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