It's the holidays! The time when you eat nothing but junk and regret it all come New Years. Then step on the scale New Years day (hung over for some) and say THAT'S IT THIS YEAR... yeah yeah yeah... well I decided (for those keeping track) this year (and I mean 2012) was going to be totally different. I am not referring to the drunk part!
I figured the whole wait to the holidays to make a life altering decision is just plan stupid. Besides last time I checked the holidays are the busiest, most stressful, and MOST delicious time of the year. Is that cheesecake? Sorry, I digress (what I am saying- this ADD laced blog is just one continuous reminder that Adults often blog off the top off their heads and if they write the way they think- it's WAY much more funnier!) as I was saying... trying to create, make, start a "diet" during the holidays is just plan STUPID! Besides who goes to a holiday BUFFET of the greatest food on earth created by your best friends and says, "Oh, thanks, but I'm only eating carrots". If they don't take you to the ER to have you checked out- they aren't your real friends- get new ones! Besides, if I went to all that hard work to put out a spread and you show up to my house and clear out the carrots on my veggie tray... get out! Seriously- get out! At least eat the celery too, that is just water- and totally meaningless to your stupid diet!
Okay back to me... so in my quest for all things perfect in my life. Cause someday that will happen, really stick around, just wait and see! I decided back in September (a totally safe month) to tackle my weight. See let's look at the months... You have October- Halloween HELL- Candy galore! Who can start a diet during a month dedicated to buying candy? Next up- November- Now if you are like me you know that the word "stuffing" isn't just a food. I mean how many people have gone to a place where they gave up on having the meal at the table because all the dishes cover the table? THAT'S a meal! And leftovers... do I need to say more? Then comes December! I don't know about you, but I know my calendar reads like a rolling food party with drinks in between! What a month! Cookies, treats, drinks, awesome foods, and that's just lunch! Okay, maybe not the drinks ;) (well pending the day). Then there are the "gifts". Good grief! Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a BOX of cookies, candy, and other SUPER yummy treats. Yep- totally a time to start a diet! But wait! I had a plan!!! Seriously! Stop laughing!!!!! I mean it!
Going back to September, you remember, non food holiday month... I mean who celebrates Christopher Columbus getting lost in the ocean cause he wouldn't ask for directions (typical man) then landing totally in a different place then where he thought he was (it wasn't the indies buddy) but the world wasn't flat either- good call- but you were totally south from where you thought too- only to then say you discovered a place that people were living- ah- you missed the part about "people already living"- I think that means they discovered it.... but I guess that's just details... who am I to talk history, anyway... GPS would have really helped ya! - sorry getting back kinda- So September- the no reason to eat because no real celebration month. There is a birthday in my family, but they're in Ohio (sniff) (we will NOT be discussing birthday's as part of this blog because well... that is just totally unfair!). Here's where I get real!
I had my son 16 years ago (I know shocking! I look way too young, it's okay). And my daughter 10 years ago... (I know still a shock- still with the young thing... it's okay)... I have never been able to lose my.... let's call it "baby fat". By the numbers- told you I was going get real!
Before Erik- 130, After Erik 210 (a bed rest did NOT help) I did get down as low as 150 but that was about it.... and never for too long.
Before Elizabeth 165, After Elizabeth 208 (amazing what love and support during a pregnancy can do).
Over the last 10 years I have yo-yo'd to the lowest at 150 (my sister's wedding).
This past September I stepped on the scale and a tear rolled down my cheek as I looked and saw 181.2 staring back at me. Talk about just yuck! I have never been real worried about the number, despite the fact that I step on the scale ah like every time I step into my bathroom (not healthy I know, don't bother telling me!). So it was then... I was done... I have a gym membership. I started to actually use it (good plan!). It was September! I decided I wasn't going to diet, those doesn't work. Instead, I'm just going to be smart. Eat breakfast, (duh- not donuts, but healthy stuff) eat healthy lunches (salads are actually good), eat small dinners, eat SMALL everything! Why when the "portion size" says one thing do we then eat 3 portions? We are just plain stupid- and fat! Oh and I was going to get my butt off the couch- even when I didn't want to. The holidays were coming, and if I had any chance of survival I needed to be ready...
They came! Halloween first... I love my Butterfingers! Twizzlers... YUM! But snack size! I started using Spark People to track everything back in September- and I mean everything! How much water I drank, exercise, food, and received great tips. That was the beginning. I knew everyday if I was "doing it" right, or missing the mark. I would get so totally excited, and it really made me start making better choices. I could EAT my Butterfingers, my Twizzlers... I just couldn't eat the WHOLE bag (dang it!). Oh, and the gym... For those that know me, I can be a sports nut. I'll try anything at least once. That said I am not afraid of the gym, just certain things about the gym. For instance, the treadmill and I do not get along. It's not that I don't know how to walk or run. But seriously, that is total pain- I mean it! Put me on an elliptical- I can give you a 5k any day! A bike... where are we headed? It's all about finding what works! And I have... Weights- no sweat! See my MS Blog for stories on my sweat/ heat issues... No joke- I don't sweat- seriously!
So here I am... Back to the holiday count down... Today is the last day of the year... Thanksgiving- over, Christmas- survived... and tonight the ball drops! This morning I had to go to work (totally bummer), and like any morning I went into my bathroom and like every other time I walk in there I jumped on the scale (this happens probably 10 times a day- no joke). What to my wondering eye would it say... 157! Now I am far from done- not even close, But every time I get a new number on a scale I try on some clothes I haven't been able to wear... (I know this is a LONG blog to get to the title- thanks for hangin').
So without further ado... I bring to you one of my "Skinny suits"
Now I would be totally remiss if I didn't bring up one of my closest friends Megan (click her name for her journey) who constantly is an inspiration to me! Thank you for your brutal honesty and ability to put yourself out there!
So enjoy some holiday cheer this last day of the New Year, and remember... don't make any resolutions today, tomorrow... that is just plain silly!
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