First I want to say to all the people checking in- HI! Privet! おはよう hola! tja! szervusz! Guten Tag! hyvää päivää! dobriy den! Let's get real for one quick second and talk about humble! I understand the world is a tad bit bigger than me... I really do- promise- and I REALLY promise that I KNOW that Facebook is not the "cat's meow"- totally understand that too! But when I started blogging way back when... you know when Simon Cowell was nice- HA! I never in my wildest dreams would ever think that I would look at my "stats" and see other countries lit up!
I actually thought (and thank you for letting me think it for a split second) my brother-in-law was taking time out of his extremely (that is NOT a joke) busy life- SAVING MINE- to read my blog as he traveled about the world thus getting me "WORLD WIDE COVERAGE". But No! I was really just that FAMOUS! Okay "famous" is NOT the world... but Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Japan, Germany, and Finland... talk about feeling the love! If only I "knew" who you all were! Anyway... I just wanted to go a little "off course" today and say THANKS! It's nice to know sometimes that complete strangers on the other side of the world tune in to see if I have had my melt-down... or not... :) just kidding!
Nah... I live in the greatest place on earth... no melt downs here!
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